Friday, March 30, 2012

Cover it all baby!

Assalammualaikum.Is jumaat!Friday.
First Of all boleh paksa tak?hakhakhak(evil laugh)
Sila loike ini benda!hikhik.

Dah click dah?dah click dah?
Okeyh You made my day.Tenchu(thank you)
Today I wanna Write about HIJAB.
As Islam,for a woman.You know its a responsibility rite?
And a bit about AURAT.(sekadar renungan bersama)
Semua orang tak sempurna.Semua orang buat salah.
But does not mean if you are so cruel back then you tak boleh berubah kan?kan?
Lets do baby steps.Jom jom!

For girls,or women.Sebenarnya aurat kita bukan sekadar
rambut sahaja.Kaki tu pon aurat,tapak kaki tu.
Everyones always cover their hair but lupa nak cover kaki tu.
Teringat when I dont have those stocking yg skin punya tu.
Then I wore the orange one with my yellow shoes,I look kinda Funny!
And honestly I notice orang tengok.Mesti PELIK kan.
But,its the best I can do.Lepas ni kena beli stokin banyak2!hahahha.
Ni pon baru2 je nak baby steps pakai stokin.jom buat ramai2?hikhikhik.
Tak kisahlah mcm alien pon,asal cover it all.
You wanna be beautiful in the eyes of human or your creator?

Lepas tuh kalo nak pakai selendang tu kan.
Biarlah tetap menutup aurat.

Some people said nak pakai tudung tunggu hidayah.
And I got this Brilliant answer <3.

So marilah kita start tutup apa yg patut ye?
Take this as a good way.If You already wear a hijab,then alhamdullilah.
But must think,dah cukup tutup semua,atau kepala je yg tutup?leher nampak?
dan baju ketat sana sini?
And you still not wearing,remember.
Kita tak tahu ajal kita bila =)

Read this!

Dan untuk lelaki pulak.
and I this suara dia memukau!
dengarlah.Enjoy this and cherish it <3.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Only Exception


I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find a way back to each other.

Don't Ever!

Have you ever hate someone somebody or maybe a group of people to death state?
Have you try very hard to ignore THEM?
Have you ever sometimes feels like PUNCH them?(kejam!hikhik)
Have you even called as BLACK SHEEP?(terasa cepat!)
Have you ever been annoyed by those people who compares you with others?
Have you come to the state you don't wanna forgive somebody?
Have you feel happy when that someone falls?

For all those times you make me feel so small.
For all those times you make me cry.
For all those time you become a totally faker!
For all those times your voice seriously annoyed me.
For all those times you talk about me.
For all those times you pretending not to know.
For all those times you make my heart sink.
But I forgive you Insyaallah.
(Kejam tulis kat sini hikhik)
Do you know who you are?

Don’t ever let people tell you that you aren’t good enough
Because you are.

Don’t ever give up your dreams
Because you need them.

Don’t ever compromise your morals
Because they make you who you are.

Don’t ever hide your feelings
Because someone’s willing to hear them.

Don’t ever think you’ve got it all figured out
Because the next moment you won’t.

Don’t ever live your life in the past
Because then you’ll miss out on the now.

Don’t ever let people bring you down
Because they don’t deserve to.

Don’t ever be someone you aren’t
Because then you’ll never know you who really are.

Don’t ever let someone tell you how you feel
Because it’s not their right to.

Don’t ever give up something that feels right
Because it probably is.

Don’t ever worry about the petty things
Because they just don’t matter.

Don’t ever run away from your problems
Because they always find you.

Don’t ever be afraid to take risks
Because they make life worth living.

Don’t ever let someone take away your happiness
Because it was never theirs to take.


Monday, March 26, 2012

IM Glad I AM ME.

Tajuk tengok tajuk tak boleh blah kan kan?

Berjaya pon senyum nampak GIGI!

Im super GLAD I am me.

"I am who i am,im not someone that im not,sure i have different sides but if u know me well enough then u should know it.i am different...because for once i am me,and nothing is going to change that"

Though maybe I am annoying,hot temper, and brutal bla bla bla.
Ahah,to be honest Im a DARE person.
I loike to do extreme things and extreme sport.
Kalo aku mcm taknak2 tuh,sengaja je nak manja2 sekejap!
Sbb aku sememangnya tidak penakut.Tapi aku gayat.Aku tak suka tinggi.(cis,td kata bukan penakut!)
 Dan If I loike that someone mmg will say,tak pon bg hint.
Tak pong gaya kelam kabut pon dh boleh nampak haku tu sebenarnya suka kat dia.
For me everyone have their own way kan? Walopon kekadang aku complain jugak
bila ada org buat camtu kat haku.(eh kau ada org suka ke?ahah!)
Tak semua orang suka cara kita.Tapi yang penting haku takkan menyesal.
At least aku dah buat.huhuhu.

Idk why but when a girl baik dgn kwn2 lelaki dia mesti
ada je orang tak suka kan?cakap itu boyfie dialah apalah.MMG nak kena ketuk!
 nak2 bila yg cakap tu dahlah dah ada boyfie,its like get a life!(terasa lah okey)
I just smile when its happen to me.Because Only me know who have mine.
 And seriously paling tak suka dengan statement alah kau dh biasa TO BE HURT.
Erghh its like,ohh sebab dh biasa haku takde perasaanlah?Hempuk kepala kat dinding skjp.
And its kinda fun though hurt to look or maybe stalk at your crush profile kan?
Its better not be with drpd you are not serious kan.Ahah.
And does not mean Im single Im not taken.
Seriously if you like someone,ignore the opinion comes from anyone else.
Follow your heart,tapi guna otak jugak.
People saying stuff but they don't suffer the consequence.Trust me, coz I know.
And even though people consider ME as weird kan?
kadang2 haku ni mmg suka fshion donts!Dan jugak
suka buat benda yang orang tak pernah nak buat.MELAWAN ARUS.
Its like cummon,its not fun meyh to not doing something fun once or
twice in you life.
Kita nak gelak2  kat orang yang jatuh,macam lah life kita fabulous sangat kan?
Ok tetiba.
Dan mungkin bila kita ditimpa musibah tu maybe sbb daripada kesilapan kita sendiri.
When you wanna say things about others,you mirror yourself first.
Dan haku percaya kalo org tu akademiknya tidak berapa does not mean he/she is stupid.
Cuma itu bukan bidang dia,everyone have their own kebolehan.
Dah kalo kau suruh kura2 panjat poko,mmg taklah kan?
Maybe tak impossible,tp lambat.
Haku benci betul bila orang yang tengok org yang takdek kemahiran akademik tu as you know kan?
Okeyh aku dah membebel panjang ni.Tsk tsk.Dah lama tak ngadap belog kan.
Btw,sila sayang my MBLAQ!I've been loving them lately!
Okey before I write longer i end it with.

Friday, March 16, 2012



Saja nak hupdate sebelom sibuk(bakal perdana menterikan kan?ahah)
Yang sebenarnya TENGAH COBA SUKA LAGU 
But sorry to say,masa mula2 I dont really like it.
Like seriously kalo nak kena tampaq pon tampaq lah.ahah.
oK bACK to the point,
You can love someone seriously tak lengkap iman seseorang itu kalau tak
love someone more than they love themselves.
Tapi agak2 lah kalo setiap entry engkau dan status fb ke twitt kau tu semua pasal itu.
Haku nak muntah dan rasa macam RIMAS.
Kalau satu dua haku tak kisah in fact 5 its ok.
But kalo dah semua nak itu jek,its like wat the fish cake?
see i dont curse.ahah.
People that know me mesti rasa macam pelik if this comes from me.Ahah.
See pengalaman itu berguna ok.
atau pon masih begitu.
Haku tak pahamlah kau nak tulis status kat fb and twitter tu jaga2 ok.
Sebab its reflect your personality.
Agak2lah kalo marah pon.(mengingatkan diri sendiri)
Anda diperhatikan ok.
So aku lebih rela Hupdate status tentang k-pop.
Don't be so narrow minded im UNIVERSAL BABY.
I don't forget my root even when im listening to the foreigner
Ahah though sometimes  I dont like certain songs.
Truthfully I dont really like malay songs yg lama2 tu.
Yg zaman2 maria-mariana.
Eheh,i thought i dont loike it.
Until,tersedar.Eh sodap pulak eh lagu lelama ni?
See,tak kenal maka tak lop lop lop taw!

Thursday, March 15, 2012



What does not KILL you Makes YOU stronger!

Haters.Trust me no matter how kind you may be or how angel like
you could be,You still will be hated.Trust me.
Its cool to have HATERS that you know that they hate you.
Rather than the one that we should Called as silent HATERS.
Try to be nice to us but then rip our heart to pieces.
If you are being DESPISE by someone is because youu are undoubtedly one or maybe a thousand
steps higher than those people.

There are some people you WISH never even cross your path.
But don't forget,they are the reason that you are stronger now.
Take a time to think.
Haters don't bring you down.
They makes you stronger than yesterday.
For those cruel words they throw at you,
for those fake story they talk about you,
for those days they make you cry alone at night.
 for those time you don't who to rely on.
for those time you lose your trust.
Because you are not THEM.
You are simply beautiful you.

 But..but..before you want to hate someone.
or perhaps already or maybe on your way to HATE someone
you should consider this first.

judge ourselves first.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Haiwan Lovers!


comel cam ni pon engkau nak dera!

Sape kat sini suka binatang?Haiwan?Pets?Ahaks.sume tu kan sama '__'
Orang cakap aku tak suka binatang.Ataupun takut.
AhAH.Salah!Aku bukan tak suka.
Tapi aku cuma tak berapa layan.Sebab dulu
aku bela banyak binatang but then its kinda hurt ok
when they die!Nangis bagai tak hengat dunia.
Masa dia hidup aku dok sakat jek lebih,bila sakit aku tak jejak lantai.
sian depa.Sebab tu lah aku mcm susah sikit nak main2 dgn animals.
But doesn't mean akuh tak suka ok!
Pernah tak tahu tentang manusia yang bertopengkan binatang?
Yang lebih teruk daripada binatang itu sendiri!
Yang rasa nak barbeque je manusia yg macam ni.
Yang mendera haiwan tak hengat!Mentang-mentanglah engkau besar,kuat!
Sia2 je Tuhan bagi Akal untuk berfikir.
Sakit hati betul bila tengok perlakuan manusia yang macam tak pernah
bersekolah,mendera binatang!
ada mental problem,meyh I drive you to TANJUNG RAMBUTAN!
Do you know that even anjing and piggy itu adalah HARAM dlm ISLAM,
Tapi bukan sewenang-wenangnya kita nak 
memperlakukan mereka macam sampah ok!
Pernah dengar tentang seorang pelacur yang sanggup tuangkan air ke dalam 
kasut dia untung seekor anjing yg kehausan?

Dalam hadis, Nabi s.a.w bersabda:

“Diampunkan dosa seorang pelacur yang melintasi seekor anjing yang berada di tepi sebuah telaga yang lidahnya terjelir. Hampir kehausan membunuhnya. Maka pelacur itu pun menanggalkan kasutnya, lalu dia ikat kasut itu dengan tudungnya lantas dia menceduk air untuk anjing tersebut. Dia diampunkan disebabkan kejadian itu” (Riwayat al-Bukhari).
Anjing pon sayang kucing taw!

So why why why?
Why you be like an ANIMAL?
Geram betul bila tengok manusia yang dera binatang comel2 tu.
Tanpa simpati langsung.Muka tak bersalah.
Boleh pulak download kat Youtube.
Buat kene buru dengan Pembunuh Upahan haiwan lovers baru tahu.uhuk.(emosi)
Itu belum story lagi tentang manusia yang mempunyai tabiat peliks such as
suka makan makanan yang sepatutnya tak dimakan.
Eee geramnya,rasa nak sepak2 je.
Yg makan manusia pon ada ok.Eh,dah takde makanan lain yang lebih sedap ke?
Rasa nak muntah darah tengok manusia dilapah oleh manusia sendiri.
NONSENSE but yets its a FACT and its HAPPEN!
Manusia lebih menakotkan daripada binatang dan hantu
dan mungkin jugak SYAITON!

ask urself if are YOU even LAYAK to call HUMAN?

How comelkan like this?

Be close to animal,as they Pray to Allah for you when you be kind to them
Eh ni kucing betol ke tipu?
Bom bom Tido.How Ke Ai?

Tak sanggup haku nak dera kalo cemginni.
Aku malas nak letak gambo yg kene dera.Nanti haku sedih.
Dan rasa mcm nak HUNT manusia yang tak berguna tuh!
Rakyat malaysia harus sayangkan binatang,
becoz Malaysian are Penyayangkan?hehehe.
(puji my country sekejap jek,boleh kan?huu)
Not only Malaysia.Everybody.Everyone around the world.
Because I know you are good at Heart.
If I don't know, Allah Know.
Lets Love the Animals!Bukan haiwan peliharaan anda sahaja!
Haiwan jalanan ergh kasar pulak.
 I mean Haiwan terbiar jugak!




Definition for kawan dan sahabat amat berbeza ye.
Tak semua kawan itu sahabat,tapi setiap sahabat itu adlh kawan.
Tak kisahlah kalo orang nak cakap aku ni lurus bendul ke hape!
Tapi yg aku tahu mmg aku ni jenis kalo korang joke pon
aku ingat betul.Percaya je.Sbb aku rasa mcm kita kene trust org.
Tapi aku ni takdelah trust,complicated btl?
Dulu aku mmg tak boleh bergurau,skrg pon bukan boleh sangat.
Ahah,but I will try my best,Im just lack of sense humor.Kesian kan?
orang cakap,

Bukan semua kawan itu kawan.

Eh korang paham tak apa yg cuba aku cakapkan ini?
Maksodnya kan.
Ada je orang yg tak suka kita.Dulu aku taknak percaya.
Sbb bg aku mcm jht je.Tapi mmg btl,kdg2 kita buat baik pon.
Org tak suka.Mengata.mengata dan mengata.
Tp takpe kita dapat PAHALA free,tp yg tak bestnya.
kesianlah kat kawan kita tu kan sbb kene bg kita pahala dia.
Ada yg claim kawan tapi makan kawan.
Yg back-stabber itu yg paling sakit!
Yang perampas pensel box ke uhuk!(double meaning!)
yg suka mengambil kesempatan.
dan macam2 ragam kawan lagi.
Dulu2 aku pikir,kalo org itu kawan lama dgn kita tu boleh panggil sahabat until.

Bff it isn`t about the friends you`ve known for the longest. it`s about the ones that came in & never left your side. 

 a simple friend--� has never seen you cry.
a best friend--� has shoulders soggy from your tears.
a simple friend--� doesn't know your parent`s first names.
a best friend--� has their phones numbers in the address book.
a simple friend--» brings a bottle of soft drinks to your party.
a best friend--� comes early to help you cook && leaves late to help you clean.
a simple friend--� hates it when you call her after she goes 2 bed.
a best friend--� asks why youu took so long to call.
a simple friend--� talks to you about your problems.
a best friend--� helps you with your problems.
a simple friend--� wonders about your romantic history.
a best friend--� could blackmail youu with it.
a simple friend--� when visiting, acts like a guest.
a best friend--� opens your refrigerator and helps herself.
a simple friend--� thinks the friendship is over when you argue.
a best friend--� knows it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight.
a simple friend--� expects youu to always be there for them.
a best friend--� expects to always be there for you.

And suddenly I miss all my friends.My true friends.
Where are you?
 I hope.I wish.If in the past Im not a good Friend.
Its the time to be ONE right now.
Lets begin.
Kita kawan kan?uhuk.

saja je nak mencapap.Korea.Korea!ahah.
a friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. 

Goodnite people.
Have a nice dreams =)


Lets change ! Now Now Now...

Pernah fikir tak nak berubah?
Dari baik ke lebih baik?
Dari sekarang.
If you only know that YOU have limited time.
Maybe you wont waste your time.
Nak berubah tapi nanti.
Malaikat maut datang pon nak ckp tunggu2. is it?
nak share gambar2 ni.COMEL!dan penuh with information.
I so lop lop lop.

Fight fight!

Do we really have much time?
Are we ready for the Hereafter.
Ask yourself.

Forgive and Forget

Ok,dah say goodnite tadi tapi taknok tido.Nak tulis jugak.
Untunglah akuh ada masa utk ngadap BELOG kesayangan ni.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.


I understand if in LIFE  you hate certain people.
Tipulah kalao akuh tak pernah kan?
but how wonderful it is if you think like just forgive and forget.
Hey everyones made mistake ok.People will change.And yes they can.
Tak kisahlah burok cam mana atau jahat mc mana pon.
Siapa kita nak judge orang?
Its not cool to laugh at people when they ditimpa kesusahan.
Even if you hate that person so much.
Maybe sometimes we mengumpat.This is something
I really wanna avoid.Dan salah faham.Kadang2 kita
kena dengar cerita dua belah pihak.tak boleh jump to any conclusion.
Dan adil ke bila dengar satu benda tu kita sebar2kan pada org lain?
I dont like it seriously.Keep it to ur self.
Even when I write this is not loike Im trying to
act like aku baik ok!
I dont like the thoughts of some people that pandang remeh
bila org buat baik,maybe akuh pon tak perfect mana.Mmg tak perfect.
Kdg2 akuh nk buat baik pon aku rasa mcm orang akn kata aku FAKE.
tapi tapi if we dont start it now,then when?
Bila buat baik je org nak kata FAKE ke?
buat baik kan bagus.
Dan even if its a joke,tapi kalo sakitkan hati orang I guess its still dosa kan?
I know I maybe purposely or unexpectedly have hurt somebody.
Really I am sorry.
Manusia buat silap,siapa kita nak sentiasa judge mereka.
 If you hate me,I am sorry.
I am not perfect.
But I hope you will have much better life.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dan...Only HE knows.


kan ku tulis semua kisah kita

kan ku tulis sebuah lagu indah untukmu 

saat waktu berlalu

yang tinggal hanya kamu

dan isi hatiku Tuhan saja tahu

detak jantungku hanyalah untukMu

aku masih ada kerna ada kamu

dan isi hatiku Tuhan saja tahu

dalam doaku ku sebut namaMu

aku masih ada kerna ada kamu


Sweet Dreams

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Terima dengan senyuman.

Hee,esok saya EXAM ouh.(taapi nak jugak ngadap sekejap)
Truthfully Im a proud student of Business Management.
Sebenarnya,I am Office Management student whom course kena convert masokUnder Business.
Macam miracle sebab I love Business,so macam dua dalam satu.Suka suka suka.
Hee,as Im not a fan of maths,tapi SAYANG MATHS sebab it gives me thrill!
And and men drill kepala otak yang mcm tepu atau penuh dgn bunga2?
Sebenarnya TOUCHING, sbb ada je org kata course ni senang,simple.Erghk?
Kalo simple tak payahlah akuh ni nak baca buku,terus je pergi exam confirm A ++++.
Ni nak dapat A+++ PONG MCM DREAM JEK.
Touching.Tsk tsk tsk.
Some's said that typing is EASY!
Sbb masa mula2 dapat course ni truthfully suka sebab make-up2.ahaks.
Boleh pakai heels(over over,sebab tu ada heeels yg tinggi tak boleh belah kan?)
Tapi sekali hambek kau ada maths,account,languages which is huayu a.k.a mandarin
and added typing.Ya Allah mmg nak menangis lah dgn typing tuh.
Sebab i seriously blur blur,tak pandai pong nak taip laju2 dan nak kene check words
semua baik punya.Dulu nak drop course ni sbb TYPING.
Ahaks,tapi sbb nak cabar diri sendiri,aku dok men drag diri aku
utk say that I can I can,Alhamdullilah
lepas pong sampai sem 3.Sem 3 punya typing lg hardcore.
Mintak2 lepas.Amin amin.Worried sick,becoz mmg tak peka,pekak sikit
dalam ambil note tuh.So BOS ckp lain akuh tulis lain.ergh??
Some's said that course ni utk jadik setiausaha sahaja.
Oh no no no, dun close our mind sayang2 sekalian.
Sebenarnya akuh pong ingat cemgitu mula2.
Tapi selepas telah diberi pengetahuan,yes KNOWLEDGE GUYS.
Thats why we cannot JUDGE the book by its COVER o.
Ingat tuh!
Macam2 boleh jadi taw dgn course ni,nak tahu apa kebende alah nya?
Huahuahua cari sendiri.ehek.
Pendek kata takde benda yang senang dalam dunia ni.
 Sbnrnya akuh bebel ni sbb was really tkt cem mana lah result sem ni.
but then i FOUND this.

COOL rite?

 So tak kisahlah apa resultnya,terima dgn senyuman.
Insyaallah kan kan?
Kalo melalak sekejap tu,normallah kan kan kan?
I hope my friends gonna strive for excellent to.
Dan aku pong!Doakan eyh.
tak sememstinay exam kita kene ngadap buku je,stress2.
uhuk,bila akuh nak ngadap buku?
Ok till then.
Goodnite lovers.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Baby sister Having "ME" virus.


This is strawberry to my chocolates.
My chips to my more.
She is my lil sister,which sometimes got the feeling loike
she is kinda elder than me.wink2
You can catch her out here here..
Just click this below link ok ?

Baby's sister BELOG

Are you becoming loike me?kihkih.

My new Lop Lop Lop Lop =)

I love them, YOU should too!

 Heyyoo (Feel mcm 10 tahun for a momento)
Okey,you see this 5 namja's have actually caught my eyes since like idk when..
But the momentum explode when i watch HELLO BABY with MBLAQ'S.
Like seriously this fella mmg funny one ok!
BBesides the KIDS mmg all the comel-comel one.
Biasala mix blood wokkeyh,rasa nak campak2 kat dalam sungai,Kiut sangat ok!

My dayoungie,Laurengie,Leogie,suke suke hati akuh tambah "gie" tuh!kyeopta kan? (comel)

Firts time I lop lop lop this group sbb si G.O. nih.Sebab dia buat kelainan becoz
he is the first korean singer maybe yg ada misai.
Tp nampak hensem okeyh!Tp sayangnya dia dah shave his misai.Tsk tsk.
G.O. Appa!

Erhk Hubby?

Ok if you wanna know more and more and you should wanting to know more and more
you can visit here ok!
click down here!

But letme tell you tell a bit about this AWESOME boys of mine.
MBLAQ (Korean: 엠블랙, Japanese: エムブラック; an acronym for Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality)
 Group ni di creat oleh Rain ok!
Rain yes its rAIN BUKAN hujan!
Its our RAIN yg berlakon dalam drama FULL HOUSE TU.

Nih yg membuatkan aku nak tenghok balik citer nih!
The group consists of Seung Ho (leader, lead vocalist, lead dancer), G.O (main vocalist), Lee Joon (vocalist, main dancer, visual), Thunder (vocalist, lead rapper, lead dancer, visual), and Bang Mir (main rapper and the maknae). The group debuted on October 9, 2009, at Rain's Legend of Rainism concert.

Ahah ayat copy and paste kerana KERAJINAN yang melampau.
Harap faham.
Ok sila layan gambar yg over load with kecomelan!

 I so so lop lop You.
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