Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Forgive and Forget

Ok,dah say goodnite tadi tapi taknok tido.Nak tulis jugak.
Untunglah akuh ada masa utk ngadap BELOG kesayangan ni.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.


I understand if in LIFE  you hate certain people.
Tipulah kalao akuh tak pernah kan?
but how wonderful it is if you think like just forgive and forget.
Hey everyones made mistake ok.People will change.And yes they can.
Tak kisahlah burok cam mana atau jahat mc mana pon.
Siapa kita nak judge orang?
Its not cool to laugh at people when they ditimpa kesusahan.
Even if you hate that person so much.
Maybe sometimes we mengumpat.This is something
I really wanna avoid.Dan salah faham.Kadang2 kita
kena dengar cerita dua belah pihak.tak boleh jump to any conclusion.
Dan adil ke bila dengar satu benda tu kita sebar2kan pada org lain?
I dont like it seriously.Keep it to ur self.
Even when I write this is not loike Im trying to
act like aku baik ok!
I dont like the thoughts of some people that pandang remeh
bila org buat baik,maybe akuh pon tak perfect mana.Mmg tak perfect.
Kdg2 akuh nk buat baik pon aku rasa mcm orang akn kata aku FAKE.
tapi tapi if we dont start it now,then when?
Bila buat baik je org nak kata FAKE ke?
buat baik kan bagus.
Dan even if its a joke,tapi kalo sakitkan hati orang I guess its still dosa kan?
I know I maybe purposely or unexpectedly have hurt somebody.
Really I am sorry.
Manusia buat silap,siapa kita nak sentiasa judge mereka.
 If you hate me,I am sorry.
I am not perfect.
But I hope you will have much better life.

0 Komen di SINI, satu pon jadilah!hikhik:

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