saja nak mencapap,hooyeahhh |
I do not know if is it exact 9 months and 10 days.Though it is not approximate
I would say thank you.Though maybe its kind a forbidden,
which actually is not.Im just saying thank you.Thank you for
carrying him for 9 months and ten days.Thank you brought him up so well.Thank you for feeding him.
Thank you for taught him how to talk,and patiently waiting to see
he do the baby steps.I wonder what is the first word ever came out from his mouth?and when the exact time he finally be able to walk stably.I wonder on what age I actually bump into him.
I wonder when is the first time I actually really look out for him.
But I am pretty sure I was very small.How thankful I am to felt what
I feel back then.I wonder why were I so silent when he talks to me?
Like I was mesmerized by something.Yes!You indeed.Its like "Ya Allah,he talks to me lah!"The time when you stand in front of me and gave me the popcorn.The time when I were sitting on the sofa.So close yet so far.Then the confession.Ya Allah,how did this angel fell for me too???
After years and years,I am thankful.Grateful too.No matter what happen in the future I hope Allah never separate us.No matter what I am thankful to her,for giving me the opportunity to feel how was its like to love someone without no doubt.
It was beyond selfish.I was so young back then,maybe that was the major
problem.Now my heart and brain seems to corporate together.
I trust in destiny,though I would like you to be beside me now but who
knew what will happen right?You are so close to me.So close to my heart and soul.
I sometimes regret things but over and over again there is a way out.Sometimes you
got to let go,its not because you are weak but that shows how strong you are.
And sometimes in pain you smile,that shows the strength.I used to hate.
But Ya Allah its been years.You faithfully teach me patiently to take the baby
steps and build back what have been destroyed.Do you now that I rarely met a guy like you?
So maybe that is the reason I am not interested to just fooling around with this entah apa2 guy
(ok jahatnya).Ada orang kata dalam bumi ni ada 7 org yg sejibik mcm kita kan?I want your twin!Huhuhuhu...ni macam lari tajuk ni.Hahaha,9 months and 10 days,
and how could I not love you for let him out to see the world?
That is the reason I would not argue.If you say don't than your wish is my commend,
thank you and thank you again.Alhamdullilah finally,finally after all these years
I could say that I am fine,I am okey.Ok normallah kan if sometimes raining kan?
But I want to be the sunny me again!huhuhue.