Thank you,because even your shadow make me thrill!
So today hari first semester 3.
So far my lectures sume yg peramah2 lah.
I met my CSC which is maybe the tough subject for this semester.And my BEL whuch I guess maybe tak leh main2 ni.
Dahlah karangan nak kena tulis 700 hundreds is the minimum.(tsk tsk tsk)
So seharusnya aku mmg mengharap utk berjumpa dgn dia.
Takpe,jumpa pun tak pe.A glimpse pun takpe.
Then that morning,PETANDA!
SEBENARNYA,pepagi bute aku telah salah kelas.
Masa tulah aku terjumpa yg ada kaitan dgn dia.hihihi.Tapi opcoz dia takdelahkan.pada hal neves gak
kalo kang tetiba muncul.uishhh.
Bila tak jumpa cari,bila jumpa lari!
So maka bila harapan2 aku seems so HOPELESS.Ake redha jelah.
Nak buat mcm mana, "LONDON" BKN KECIK.
Ouh btw aku yg terover dose tido ni tadi dalam kelas masih didorong rasa mengantuk yg teramat.
Tersengguk2 mcm orang MABUK.hihihii.
So aku telah berniat suci dan murni,after kelas nak lepak kat PERPUSTAKAAN.
Sebab line internet kat bilik tu bengok tak boleh blah!
DAN maybe nak review past year question.
Rajin kan tetiba!
Sbb aku rasa subject this sem its quite hard.
Ouh btw aku rasa dgn rasminya aku dah jadik budak bisnes!bhahahhahah.
Should I cry or laugh?
Nasib lah aku mmg minat sikit dgn business,but its kinda sad as I was
about to fall in love with OM!(Cissss!)
kau fall in love with OM ke benda lain?
kau fall in love with OM ke benda lain?
SO bla bla bla.
perpustakaan here i come!
I met someone yg will make the potential DIA kat situ mcm tak sure pulak kan.
Taknak high hope!
Tetibe bang!I was eye to eye.but for sure he wasnt notice.
tak pakai spekmatakan.But I wasnt sure but what that eh dia ke dia ke?
But rasa nya mcm dia.
I rather look at you far far away,rather than be close and acting awkward.
so yeah for sure I am envy with the people that like hanging out with you naturally.
Or even like discussing or even gossiping with ya on the same table.
Hey are you looking through me?
bila sy nak camtu dgn awak ni?(tunggu bulan jatuh ke riba?)
But rasa nya mcm dia.
I rather look at you far far away,rather than be close and acting awkward.
so yeah for sure I am envy with the people that like hanging out with you naturally.
Or even like discussing or even gossiping with ya on the same table.
Hey are you looking through me?
bila sy nak camtu dgn awak ni?(tunggu bulan jatuh ke riba?)