Assalammualaikum.Is jumaat!Friday.
First Of all boleh paksa tak?hakhakhak(evil laugh)
Sila loike ini benda!hikhik.
Dah click dah?dah click dah?
Okeyh You made my day.Tenchu(thank you)
Today I wanna Write about HIJAB.
As Islam,for a woman.You know its a responsibility rite?
And a bit about AURAT.(sekadar renungan bersama)
Semua orang tak sempurna.Semua orang buat salah.
But does not mean if you are so cruel back then you tak boleh berubah kan?kan?
Lets do baby steps.Jom jom!
For girls,or women.Sebenarnya aurat kita bukan sekadar
rambut sahaja.Kaki tu pon aurat,tapak kaki tu.
Everyones always cover their hair but lupa nak cover kaki tu.
Teringat when I dont have those stocking yg skin punya tu.
Then I wore the orange one with my yellow shoes,I look kinda Funny!
And honestly I notice orang tengok.Mesti PELIK kan.
But,its the best I can do.Lepas ni kena beli stokin banyak2!hahahha.
Ni pon baru2 je nak baby steps pakai stokin.jom buat ramai2?hikhikhik.
Tak kisahlah mcm alien pon,asal cover it all.
You wanna be beautiful in the eyes of human or your creator?
Ni pon baru2 je nak baby steps pakai stokin.jom buat ramai2?hikhikhik.
Tak kisahlah mcm alien pon,asal cover it all.
You wanna be beautiful in the eyes of human or your creator?
Lepas tuh kalo nak pakai selendang tu kan.
Biarlah tetap menutup aurat.
Some people said nak pakai tudung tunggu hidayah.
And I got this Brilliant answer <3.
So marilah kita start tutup apa yg patut ye?
Take this as a good way.If You already wear a hijab,then alhamdullilah.
But must think,dah cukup tutup semua,atau kepala je yg tutup?leher nampak?
dan baju ketat sana sini?
And you still not wearing,remember.
Kita tak tahu ajal kita bila =)
and I this suara dia memukau!
dengarlah.Enjoy this and cherish it <3.
Take this as a good way.If You already wear a hijab,then alhamdullilah.
But must think,dah cukup tutup semua,atau kepala je yg tutup?leher nampak?
dan baju ketat sana sini?
And you still not wearing,remember.
Kita tak tahu ajal kita bila =)
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Read this! Dan untuk lelaki pulak. TADAA! HEHEEHHE. COMPLETE SET! |
dengarlah.Enjoy this and cherish it <3.