Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Definition for kawan dan sahabat amat berbeza ye.
Tak semua kawan itu sahabat,tapi setiap sahabat itu adlh kawan.
Tak kisahlah kalo orang nak cakap aku ni lurus bendul ke hape!
Tapi yg aku tahu mmg aku ni jenis kalo korang joke pon
aku ingat betul.Percaya je.Sbb aku rasa mcm kita kene trust org.
Tapi aku ni takdelah trust,complicated btl?
Dulu aku mmg tak boleh bergurau,skrg pon bukan boleh sangat.
Ahah,but I will try my best,Im just lack of sense humor.Kesian kan?
orang cakap,

Bukan semua kawan itu kawan.

Eh korang paham tak apa yg cuba aku cakapkan ini?
Maksodnya kan.
Ada je orang yg tak suka kita.Dulu aku taknak percaya.
Sbb bg aku mcm jht je.Tapi mmg btl,kdg2 kita buat baik pon.
Org tak suka.Mengata.mengata dan mengata.
Tp takpe kita dapat PAHALA free,tp yg tak bestnya.
kesianlah kat kawan kita tu kan sbb kene bg kita pahala dia.
Ada yg claim kawan tapi makan kawan.
Yg back-stabber itu yg paling sakit!
Yang perampas pensel box ke uhuk!(double meaning!)
yg suka mengambil kesempatan.
dan macam2 ragam kawan lagi.
Dulu2 aku pikir,kalo org itu kawan lama dgn kita tu boleh panggil sahabat until.

Bff it isn`t about the friends you`ve known for the longest. it`s about the ones that came in & never left your side. 

 a simple friend--� has never seen you cry.
a best friend--� has shoulders soggy from your tears.
a simple friend--� doesn't know your parent`s first names.
a best friend--� has their phones numbers in the address book.
a simple friend--» brings a bottle of soft drinks to your party.
a best friend--� comes early to help you cook && leaves late to help you clean.
a simple friend--� hates it when you call her after she goes 2 bed.
a best friend--� asks why youu took so long to call.
a simple friend--� talks to you about your problems.
a best friend--� helps you with your problems.
a simple friend--� wonders about your romantic history.
a best friend--� could blackmail youu with it.
a simple friend--� when visiting, acts like a guest.
a best friend--� opens your refrigerator and helps herself.
a simple friend--� thinks the friendship is over when you argue.
a best friend--� knows it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight.
a simple friend--� expects youu to always be there for them.
a best friend--� expects to always be there for you.

And suddenly I miss all my friends.My true friends.
Where are you?
 I hope.I wish.If in the past Im not a good Friend.
Its the time to be ONE right now.
Lets begin.
Kita kawan kan?uhuk.

saja je nak mencapap.Korea.Korea!ahah.
a friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. 

Goodnite people.
Have a nice dreams =)


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