Have you ever hate someone somebody or maybe a group of people to death state?
Have you try very hard to ignore THEM?
Have you ever sometimes feels like PUNCH them?(kejam!hikhik)
Have you even called as BLACK SHEEP?(terasa cepat!)
Have you ever been annoyed by those people who compares you with others?
Have you come to the state you don't wanna forgive somebody?
Have you feel happy when that someone falls?
For all those times you make me feel so small.
For all those times you make me cry.
For all those time you become a totally faker!
For all those times your voice seriously annoyed me.
For all those times you talk about me.
For all those times you pretending not to know.
For all those times you make my heart sink.
But I forgive you Insyaallah.
(Kejam tulis kat sini hikhik)
Do you know who you are?

Don’t ever let people tell you that you aren’t good enough
Because you are.
Don’t ever give up your dreams
Because you need them.
Don’t ever compromise your morals
Because they make you who you are.
Don’t ever hide your feelings
Because someone’s willing to hear them.
Don’t ever think you’ve got it all figured out
Because the next moment you won’t.
Don’t ever live your life in the past
Because then you’ll miss out on the now.
Don’t ever let people bring you down
Because they don’t deserve to.
Don’t ever be someone you aren’t
Because then you’ll never know you who really are.
Don’t ever let someone tell you how you feel
Because it’s not their right to.
Don’t ever give up something that feels right
Because it probably is.
Don’t ever worry about the petty things
Because they just don’t matter.
Don’t ever run away from your problems
Because they always find you.
Don’t ever be afraid to take risks
Because they make life worth living.
Don’t ever let someone take away your happiness
Because it was never theirs to take.
0 Komen di SINI, satu pon jadilah!hikhik:
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