Assalammualaikum :)
So to be true to be honest to be sincere, Alhamdullilah
something happened!But you know,I think only me know.
I mean I guess some people know a bit of this a bit of that,
but on my side,only me know,hee~
So I am NO good before and still AM.
You know I always feel like lack of something.And I mean
No peace.Actually I am very the musshy2 type.You know what is
that?I am very the touchy and yess hopelessly romantika de amor.
(okey apekah?~)
So you know people always push me pull me say that say this.
Though I InsyaAllah won't blame them.It's like,
"Alah,takpelah.Me also sometimes is NO good".
I was not seriously stable or whatever.And quite FED UP you know?
But Alhamdullilah.
I feel at peace,now even if I feel hurt.
I feel peace because its okey,Allah is with me.
I mean its like NO JOKE.
It is really true when there is a saying maybe said
Rely on Allah,and you don't need anything else.
Though my life was a chaotic event,though I am No good,
and though there were so many not PROUD things have cross my
path,but I feel better :)
Its not like there is no one can help me.
Boleh je kalau aku nak talk2 kan?
Tapi manusia belum tentu dapat memahami.
Dan yg paling tak cool kalau ada manusia yg nak TIKAM2 kita.
so said,macam tak ikhlas je nak dengar.
So I decide to be very the COOL.Though sometimes.
Hilang juga ke COOl an aku tuh due to the adrenaline rush of
temper madness.Apekah?
I mean people boleh courage and discourage you kan kan?
Tapi this is my feet,if I do not move them forward,
sampai bebila kau stay je lah kat situ.
Now I know what ist like to fall in love with
the ONe and ONly,My Allah,My God.
AND if there is one guy in this world I would like to get marry with,its Nabi Muhammad S.A.W :)
The most patient human in the world kan?
For me every day of life is a struggle.
And the will power is very important :)
Its ok,even the whole world leave and betray
I have my Allah,and I don't need anyone else.
So I guess I don't fear if people betray you,take you for granted
and bla bla bla.Dulu I will said what you give,you get back,
ataupun what goes around must comes around,alah
macam KARMA gitu.
But as I got to know Islam more and better InssyaAllah,
I know that KARMA is not in the kamus a.k.a dictionary of ISLAM.
Takpelah orang buat kita,key is patient.Walopon jujur aku ckp
kekadang mmg tak bakpe naak saba,Grrrr!Hee~
Sebab Allah itu Adil.
Orang jahak ni dia tak takut Allah.
Tak sayang Allah dah bagi dia Nyawa.
Tapi Allah sayang dia,bg dia bernafas.
Sebab kalau mati time tu tkt tak boleh nak taubat.
Aku tak tahulah sape yang akan jengah2 belog aku yg tak seberapa
ni tapi yang aku tahu,walo kekadang ada sikit terjiwang karat
tahap tak boleh blah,tapi marilah kita saling jadi baik :)
dan dan dan,kalau awk salah kita tego
kalau kita salah awk tegolah tahu.
p/s:Kita akan rasa sakit dan derita kalau kita
tak cinta Tuhan yang satu lebih dari segalanya.