What am I talking about rite?
Kenapa Aii letak tajuk cemgitu ?
"I have a boy bestfriend who will talk to me around like
he’s my big brother, and comfort me on my when he knows I’m
upset. I have a boy best friend who I can call up, crying about other
boys. I have a boy best friend who will tell me when I’m wrong, and
force me into fixing things and apologizing because he knows that it
will make things better for me.
One who often makes "good" jokes and still manages
to make me happy no matter how troublesome I am
to him. One who would do crazy stuffs with me. A boy best friend who will
always correct me and remind me of my attitude. One whom i can show my
other self, and treat him the way I can’t treat others and he’ll be okay
with it and he knows i still love him. One who will never leave me. A
boy best friend who understands me and knows almost anything about
myself. One who I can’t resist not ignoring when I’m upset because of
him. Someone whom I know I can trust anything and everything.
and I’m glad I have one. :)"
We have been friend for 7 years,and to be honest there are lots of ups and down.
He is 24 and yesterday is his was confused you know, I know its in march,but
I didn't remember when,I mean either its on the 15 or 16.Gosh,terrible!
But,he didn't remember when is my birthday.Lagi terukkan?
In fact on my birthday,I was the one who called
So as usual,I thought I was going to just biarkan je.Taknak wish.
lol,but I called him.Its a common thing to get mad at this person u know.And
dia pon dah tepu bila I duk membebel je.And he knw that
I was mad.Because I said, "Did u know that 4 march was my freaking birthday?"
lol.And this time he was like,Im sorry Im sorry I really meant it.
Mmg kita org cemgitu.dua2 pon dah tepu.
Tapi yang tak boleh blah,bila I ask him,how old am i?He was like.
stuttering!!!Lol.And then what touched me was,when he said,we met when he was
in form 5 so I was at that time in form 2.If Im not mistaken.
Itu dia ingat pulak?Grramm tahu.
But what I like being around this person is.I don't really have to fake.
Even if I wanna cry.Or share the things I want to.
Oh btw,he is like forever mmy fond dengan fizik.Sebab tu I guna tajuk fizik.
As for me,I suka seni!That is why.specific seni lah,sbb i tak pandai''
for example,for me cats are adorable.So when my cats died,I called him and crying
like gilos u know while talking.Pepagi buta pulak tu.Because anyone else
wouldn't care.that is why.And when I have problems with boys,
Im gonna tell him and ask opinion.or he even wanted me to be with my ______.
Which I said no.It was shocking.but whatever.And when I did mistakes,
he will always nasihatkan.But not kinda annoying way lah.
Its like he will tell me things,and said "itu nasihat je,kalau nak terima terimalah,kalau
taknak takpe." cemgitulah.And I think I never called him abang,maybe jokingly adalah.
and sometimes I sounds like rude gilos,but sbb dh kenal lama,dia wat relax
and even when I was wanna escape somewhere,he said he is going with me...
which I
And he knw the story of my life.That is important.Yet he still accepted me for who I am.He always lends me his ears,which of course because
I talk non-stop.And because,my habits which is Im comfy talking in english.
As my english is crappy.Not to be arrogant ke hape,cuma nak improve english okeng.
people that rapat dgn me ,i usually use english with them.So dia kena mocking dgn
kwn dia.Sbb dgn kwn lain dok speaking malay,pastuh bila I call terus lidah sepaking london.
tapi nk wat camne,as Im the degil go with flow je lah.
I remember calling him when he was in the class,but I was hurt badly,
and was crying badly,but when he pick up my calls,I was like
trying not to show that I was crying.But he manage to notice
and asking "are you crying?" or things like "U r mad right?"
mcm tahu je.
Honestly he always makes me pissed-off but
everytime Im hurt he is there to solve it.and I just realized something
gosh,he is like secretive so much and not telling me
about things I wanna know!ish tak boleh ni.
People always tot,maybe we gonna be perfect together.
we are bestfriend.
maybe the way we talk,we share seems to be more than that.
but we are just bestfriend.
I even talk to him about the love of my life kot.
and as usual he will be kind of okay with my decision or else Im gonna
membebel membebel all day.
There is a lot I wanna say,but most of all,happy birthday bro!
u light my life,even though I repeat you kind of annoying!
u better change a bit or Im gonna cry and freak u
0 Komen di SINI, satu pon jadilah!hikhik:
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