Thursday, April 4, 2013

A glimpse of Final Decision.

Assalammualaikum ^.^
So actually I suppose to be tense and super stress.But instead I spend my time
watching Running man,daebak!

Okay,I have been wondering.and wondering and wondering.
and to tell you the truth I am on the urge to do things
I always find its hard to do.
But now,I made up my mind finally  :)
So randomly I just wanna state a few things.
that is important to me but maybe is nothing to you.
First,I only have one best boy friend that is living in Thailand.
okay if u are talking about thailand,I have to added one sunshine.
But she is a girl.
so I love Thailand.
Im a less than a quarter thai.something like that.And am 
indonesian too,a proud one.
and second.let me clarify a few things,which I think,I need to
broaden my mind and not be stuck and influence by
things or people around me.
whoever Im in love with,respect it.
Does not matter the age,the races,and also the religion :)
time will figure things out.
and am not saying that,religion is not important.
u are matured enough to understand it,am i suppose to explain ?
okay the third things is faith.
faith on people around me that effortlessly  making
effort to stay.Im tired.Im this kind of affectionate person.
but there is time I feel like,if you dont make an effort
to be around me,then watch me gone in ur life.
and noted,im not that kind that easily walk away.
and well hello,im not talking about my significant others or what,
friendship yaw.

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