Tuesday, November 12, 2013



what if i tell you i miss you like hell?
I wish i was the type of girl that made YOU say "wow"
I don't care if others stare at me.
But if it's you.
It's enough.

 I often wonder if you ever miss talking to me?

 I want to write "i miss you" on a piece of rock and throw it in your face
 just to make you realize how much missing you hurts.

 sometimes i'm just so sick of my limited vocabulary
 because i could never find enough words to describe
 the feelings i felt

 I was just so used to having you around 
that it caught me off guard when all that changed.

and it drove me wild to see your smile that amazing 
thousand-watt smile that could possibly lit up the whole of new york .

 I wish i could read your mind to know what
 your really think of me to see if i'm even inside your mind.

 i wish you could hear all the words i'm afraid to say.

 it's like i want you to look at me but then
 i turn my head every time you do 
do you see my dilemma?

2 Komen di SINI, satu pon jadilah!hikhik:

Adel said...

"sometimes i'm just so sick of my limited vocabulary
because i could never find enough words to describe
the feelings i felt"

BEST!! love it ;)

Adel said...

"sometimes i'm just so sick of my limited vocabulary
because i could never find enough words to describe
the feelings i felt"
i love this words, BEST! ;)

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