So Im thinking of escaping escaping.Ramai people yang tak tahu,when Im mention about "Aku nak
lari!"Mmmuahahah.Thinking about it seriously now.So every country I wanna go,sebenarnya
haruslah ada sebab.Macam aku nak gi India tuh,hikhik.dan korea .Tapi korea mcm sume
orang dh tahu.London,ouh walopon akan pokai.Haruslah kumpul duet bebanyak.kehkeh.
and cam mana nk ckp yg ni eh?Now its Thailand.Actuallly dulu2,
rasanya for some reason ada gak ni gi Thailand ni.Tapi kenapakah aku terlupa why?
So now I have this Big Big reason.Big bang lah kalau bahasa korea aku.kekek.
Haishh,cepatlah habis diploma ni,pasni degree pulok.Haish.
Walopon tahap kemalasan yg tak boleh blah,tapi sebab ilmu,merangkak pon
aku sanggup.Wuwuwuwu.Eh back to the topic,nk pikir pegi pakai tourist guide ke
atau haruslah bawak mak kan.Yes my mom mmg suka travel,so tertumpahlah darahnya
kat aku.As I said,kalau I nk travel ni biasanyalah mesti ada big reason.Mmuahah.
Kadang2 je kena paksa so pegilah.mmuahaha.
So I have Bangkok inside my mind,lagipon Thailand dekat je.
So takdelah aku nk jet lag bagai..
dan kenapa bangkok?kekek.sebab sebab.lalala.
So aku copy paste details dulu kenapanya nk gi bangkok.
Tapi true reason,kahkah.Perlukah aku tulis kat sini?

Bangkok was originally a little village on the banks of the Chao Phraya River and renamed as Krung Thep, which means "City of Angels". Love it or hate it, its sheer dynamism is intoxicating as it is a quirky blend of traditional east with the modern West. Ask anyone who has ventured here and they will spin tales of exotic temples, shopping heavens and pulsating nightlife, all located east of the river at the heart of the city.
The Grand Palace
The Grand Palace together with Wat Phra Kaew and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha form perhaps the greatest spectacle for first-time visitors. It consists of over 100 brightly colored buildings, golden spires, glittering mosaics and a grand mural of Ramakian, the Thai version of the famous Indian epic story ‘Ramayana’. In total, there are 178 restored sections which make for an interesting day of complete visual splendour!Taling Chan floating market
A truly unique shopping experience happens on weekend mornings at Taling Chan floating market. Paddle and haggle your way among boats of multi colours and shapes that sell fresh veggies, fruits, flowers and more. Best to visit this place before 9.00am, where the 'authentic' Thai culture happens before the flood of tourists comes in.Night Markets
Bangkok is home to the most unique and exciting night markets, where each one offers its own specialty and attraction. Come over for a great bargain, authentic Thai food and even some night time entertainment. Talad Rot Fai displays a unique rustic charm with its hip attitude, vintage toys, retro fashion and even old school furniture located right next to the train tracks. Silom is tourist central for its list of 'shows' and night clubs to party on till the dawn breaks. Khao San is where you'll find backpackers from all over the world flocking over for its local designer clothes, souvenir trinkets and stalls after stalls of delicious Thai cuisine.Wat Arun
The famous Wat Arun, perhaps better known as the Temple of the Dawn, is one of the best known landmarks and one of the most published images of Bangkok. It consists of a massive 104m high elongated prang (Khmer-style tower), decorated by bits of ancient porcelain ballasts, and surrounded by four smaller prangs. Despite its name (coming from Aruna, the Indian God of the Dawn), the best views of Wat Arun are in the evening when the red sky casts a breathtaking skyline behind the temple.Chatuchak Market
As one of the largest and most unique weekend markets in the world, Chatuchak is made up of endless rows of over 15,000 shops. Pick up some basic Thai language and bargain for the best deals on exquisite antiques and crafts, clothes, books and even pets! Experienced shoppers will come complete with a huge shopping bag or even to the extent of a trolley bag to store their purchases.
Aku ngaku jugak,sebenarnya for some reason or moment I do
stop believeing in fairytale,magic or happy ending.happy ending tu half2.
dulu aku ni mmg ckp hidup ni cam novel,real novel.betul ah tu!
tapi yg bezanya,novel kat buku tu at least I know what is the ending,
but the life punya novel,Tuhan je yang tahu taw.
Tapi aturan Tuhan itukan Indah.I should never stop
believing in fairytale.Cause fairytale do exist u know!Trust me.
part one done!
0 Komen di SINI, satu pon jadilah!hikhik:
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