Sunday, February 3, 2013

2013 :D

Assalammualaikum and Hi uolss!
(Tak jawab dosa,kalau jawab sayang,ewah maria elena sangat!)

so this is one of the mission in 2013,so i hope 2013 be so noicce (nice) to me.yeah yeah yeah.
Bhahahah,I know its kinda or sort of so last year baru skrg Aii nak buat
the new resolution
Tapi nak buat gak,tak kira tak kira!
As you can see there,Arab why?
Because I gotta know.I gotta know.what am I recites,when I recites Al-Quran.
The one and only novel ,the greatest among all.
And as I believe that once upon a time,everyone speak
the same language which is Arabic language.So back to the basic.
 And as Korea,u know why,I just love them.
The people,heyyp take the good things okay.Amboi,bahasa hindustan 
Aii tak amek pulak,maybe I dah pandai.Pyar Payr
And sawad dee ka :)
Chan chue arai, Ain Ka.
Chan Rak Tee Rak Mak Mak.
Okay foine,itulah kot :D
And lots more baby.Trust me just lots more.

Hari tu I bake cake,mmauha.haha.and soon I kena belaja sewing,haruslah
multitasking gitu.hahahah.

 nak ada closet camni.wah wah.kasut kasut @.@

okay itu je nak share.hik hik hik.
btw you can find me on tweeter too.
click the link below or words or phrase :)

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