Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Untold Story :)


It is not that kind of love,but this kind of love :')
This is for a "stranger": who I love so much but I could not even tell.
The times seems to be always wrong for me.I never told this person,
how much love I carry for this person.
Even sometimes I feel it is so hard to cope with this person sarcasm,
but I always remember that this person told me I was not suppose to take it to heart.
and all the wishes I took for granted because Im just to afraid to take
the fall.
This maybe a Rascall Flatt's song,but I change a bit.
I think this person is amazing even maybe if this person could not realize it.
But I hope this person realize that this person is a miracle to me.
I don't really wanna sound so poetic or what,Im not even a good poet,my poetry
does not even rhymes.
But if you are reading this.This is for you.

I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walking till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you through the hard times and
through the good times
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big 


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Deeper Conversation:It's a He and She Story.


does anybody  have that friend that you’re pretty sure is your soulmate but in a friend way ?

"Beb,kau taknak skype ke?Lama dah ni.Sorry been busy.Aku ada exam!sobs."He.
"Baru sekarang lah kau ingat aku.Mana pi girlfriend kau?"She.
"Erk..sejak zaman bila lelaki seperti aku ada girlfriend?"He.
"Kau jgn nak mengarut.But aku mmg tak minat pon couple2.Mmmuahahaha.
Tapi ye ah,muka kau tu dah ala-ala Zain Malik.MMuahah.Aku je sorang
yang immune dgn kau!"She.
"Cis,aku serious tak de.Lagipun study oversea ni,otak aku blh gila kalau 
semua aku nak layan.Bukan takna beb,cuma not now.Eleh,immune ke?"He.
"Mesti ah!"She.
"Sentap aku weyh!Hahaha.Kau okay?"He.
"It is not that "okay" but this okay kan?Don't you dare to fake that okay!
I know you since forever!"He.
"Lah,kau dah kenapa?Im not even crying."She.
"But you did right?"He.
"Goshh,you must have some kind of super power,bro?"She.
"Kitakan kembar.I know lah.Kau ingat aku jauh-jauh ni,tak tahu tentang kau.
What kind of friend I am,if I tuRn out like that lah.Ko dh jadi mcm Umar eh?Hahah."He.
"Takde lah setabah bro Umar tu.Sikit-sikit.Kadang-kadang,jatuh juga.
Tapi kalau Umar boleh,aku pon boleh."She.
"Umar tu mmg determine.Tapi kau yang aku kenal pon determine gak!Listen,
jangan jadi mcm dulu tahu.Kalau it is not working,remember Allah ada.
Aku pon ada.Boleh je jadi your skype crying shoulder.Ewah!"He.
"Hahahahha,suka je kau kan.Thanks bro.Terharu tahu!Tapi at times,rasa
unmotivate jugak..."She.
"Even kau bukan lah sedarah dgn aku.Tapi I know you can do this.Biasalah,
aku pon kadang2 rasa mcm,eh apa lah aku buat belajar jauh2 mcm ni.
Jauh dgn family,kawan2,dgn kau!Kembar aku yg xsedarah!tapi ni fate beb.InsyaALLAH
adalah sebabnya okay."He.
"Kau tak rasa aku mcm worthless ke?perhaps useless?"She.
"Sape cakap kau mcm tu bak mari aku alamat dia orang.Eh,you are 
far from that.You never give up.Look at where you at now?Still the beautiful person
I know before.So don't let anyone tell you the other way around."He.
"But I feel like that.At times rasa penat..."She.
"Kalau kau penat,take a rest a bit.And then walk,or perhaps even crawl.
But I never want to hear the words "I give up!",like ever okay?"He.
"Kau ni boleh jadi penceramah motivasi tahu?"She.
"Hahahah..sikit2 je ni ilmu.Dah kau kawan aku,memang taklah aku nak tengok kau sedih.
You look like a zombie now,I bet?"He.
"Urghh,annoying!Shut upp you!"She.
"My favorite kind of a zombielah!Btw,who is that one lucky person?"He.
"Apa kau merepek ni hah?"She.
"Like I said before,Im your twin,I can read your mind and heart.Sape?Alah,bagi
"I know,who is this nobody?"He.
"Ah kau ni,saja nak sakat aku kan?"She.
"No,Im not lying.That person is the luckiest to have you."He.
"But Im not with anyone lah kau ni.Aku mcm kau je!"She.
"There is someone in your heart,I can tell even I don't look in your eyes beb!
I can read you pretty clear even from a distance.Im so excited!"He.
"Hahahha,but I don't feel anything like that.Im nobody."She.
"You are not just nobody,you are that special nobody.*wink"He.
 "Kau tahu aku tak suka sweet talker kan bro?"She.
"Im not sweet talking sweetheart,Im stating the fact beb.Open your eys
please please."He.
"And I wonder,kau cakap kau takde girlfriend.Boleh diabetes dgn kau ni."She.
"Well,this is what friendship suppose to be.You was there when I need you.
Now it's my time!:)"He.
"People might think you are my boyfriend tahu!"She.
"I am the best friend of yours and I am a sexy male!hahahah!Look,
we know what we are.Lets not bother about them.You know I love you,right?"He.
"Mmauahahha,of course!Kalau tak mmg aku tak layan kau!"She.
"Hahahha,my friend just laughing because I wrote I love you.And asked if you
are my gf?"He.
"WHATT!!??Someone else is reading thissss?"She.
"No lah.Dia baru dtg,tertengok.He just caught that only.Chill baby girl!"He.
"You are so dead if everything else is leaking!"She.
"Like I dare to do that eh?Hahahha."He
"Hahhaha,like I don't know you huh?"She.
"Hahahha.Betul okay!Btw,I wish you luck beb!InsyaAllah okay.
Doa,tawakal dan usaha!"He.
"Okayyy bro.Thank you sangat.*Tears."She.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Keep Trying.


 “A long time ago, before I even met you,
someone replaced my chest with a broken record.
For years, it’s been stammering through
the same old tune.
I want you to know I’m trying.”-Clementine von Radics

Of course at times I feel like,GOSSHHH WHYY?Why this happen.
Feels like my amazing world suddenly collapse.Feels like everything is ANNOYING.
Feels like,whatever,Im just gonna run away.
Gosh how I love travel.mmuahahhaha.
Please remind me of Allah at those times okay?
Those time when I feel depress.Stress.Hateful.Annoy.
Please remind me of Allah.
If you really love me,please remind me of Allah.

I can fall for anyone.But the number one in my heart is always Allah.
Because without Him,I could not even move my heart to love you.

If Allah agree,I would like to wait for you for forever.Till jannah ? :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Have you ever?


Gosh,I feel like not being me.Eh I don't even know who I am.Lol.

Eh Tolonglah jadi "manusia"?


Ni isu hot yang buatkan mood lion king rasa cam menyerlah daripada biasa!HAHAHHA.
Sorrylah ye.Aii paling tak suka orang yang mendera binatang dan jugak manusia!
Eh ada rupanya setan bertopengkan manusia ni?Opps.Kamon lah,Tuhan
dah bagi akal,yang nak buat benda tak bermoral tu kenapa?Baiklah orang2 mcm ni
selayaknya diletakkan dalam zoo dengan singa dan harimau,baru faham erti penyesalan!

Punca-Punca Anak Kena Dera:
1.Mak atau ayah berkahwin sekali lagi.(dgn orang yang tak berguna pulak tu!)
Ini memang sadis.Orang yang kahwin tu mungkin tersilap kahwin,atau buta kerana cinta dekat
Tuhan tak ada,makanya kahwin dgn setan bertopengkan manusia.Eh?
 Sibuk menggatal dan menggedik dgn pasangan baru,lupa tanggungjawab kepada anak.
Tak kisahlah kalau tu anak dgn ex isteri atau ex suami yang korang menyampah atau pun
tidak.Tapi,tak baik ah korang lepaskan api kemarahan pada anak korang!Eh fikir
logik sikit ah?Darah yang mengalir tu darah kau kot.Kau benci dia,samalah kau
benci diri sendiri.Baik jelah kau sebelum nak tumbuk dia,tumbuk dinding dulu.
Kalau tahu sakit then jangan buat.Aku palinglah menyampah dgn lelaki kaki pukul ni.

2.Sebab anak angkat sahaja.(dan nak kahwin)
Dulu takde suami atau isteri amek anak angkat.Pastuh bila dah ada pasangan
sekarang,anak kau mentang2 hanya anak angkat.Tak kisahlah kau susukan atau pun tidak,
tapi lebih baik susukan.Supaya jadi anak kau yg betul,dan kalau anak kau laki,dah besaq
nanti takdelah dosa dia nak cium tangan kau.Main point kat sini ialah,Ya Allah,tolonglah
jgn nak jadi manusia tu buta tahap mmg rasa nak bagi flying kick je weyh.
Anak tu harta yang paling berharga kot.Memang ah suami atau isteri penting,tapi kalau dh namanya
anak,tak kira ah anak angkat,terangkat ke hape.Anak ni kita yang corakkan.
Dah kalau awal2 kau biarkan dia camtuh je,kau ingat dia jadik mcm mana besar nanti?
Pastu bila dia jadi psycho atau seriel killer ke,kau nak bising malu.Tapi didikan sape yang salah?
Eh,mmg minta selipar dari aku.
 Coraklah anak kita tu seawalnya dgn baik.Jangan nak main kahwin je.Sebelom kahwin tu,
doalah dapat pasangan yang boleh terima anak korang.
3.Tak suka budak2.
Nghahahha,ni yang paling nak dapat ninja kick dari aku.Lol sangat.Jangan nak kata tak suka sangat ah!
Dulu kau pon budak gak bro.Kau nak acah-acah matang tapi hampeh.Tak suka kanak-kanak
menunjukkan kau adalah seorang yang sewajarnya diberikan penampa tahap 50 juta kali ganda.
Tak suka dia melalak le,tak suka dia belak le,ke hape.Ingat sikit,sebelom kau besar gedabak ni,
dulu kau pon budak kecik.Kalau orang ckp,dia tak suka kanak2,agak kau sentap tak.Eh tolonglah,
dah hidup lama patutnya boleh fikir.Memanglah a few cakap,tak suka je bukan tak blh
nak main2 ke apa.Dah kalau tak suka,ada potential kalau bdk tu melalak,kau baling je.HAHAHA.
Betul eh?so kalau awak tak suKA budak2,silalah berhati2 dgn saya.Takut kang tak
pasal2 kau debik budak tu sekali,aku debik kau 45 kali.Ngehehhe.

4.Anak tiri.
Situasinya bila dapat kahwin dgn orang yg ada anak.pastu tup tup takdir Tuhan,orang tu
meninggal,ada anak saja.Anak pulak mentang2 anak tiri kau.Maka kau pun buat tak tahu je.
Pulak jumpa bakal suami yang baru hot atau bakal isteri baru top model.Jangan kat dunia je handsome
dan to model,kat akhirat lingkup pulak keyh?
 Silalah jadi manusia tu,manusia yang berguna dan guna akal.
binatang pon tahu sayang anak.KAU TAHU TAK MANUSIA NI KHALIFAH aLLAH DI MUKA BUMI.Kau pulak,sibuk ikutkan nafsu setan.

Ada banyak lagi kan?
Bahasa kali ni kasar sikit eh?Supaya InsyaAllah bahasa ni mudah ye utk korang mengerti bahawasanya
penderaan adalah benda yang palinglah menyampah dan merosakkan.Benda ni
akan berlarutan,dan kalau wujudnya pembunuh bersiri sekalipun mungkin disebabkan
tidak mendapat perhatian dan kasih sayang yang sepatutnya.So silalah mendidik anak dgn kasih
sayang,bukan mendidik setakat tahu pukul sahaja.Kau ingat dia takde perasaan ke hape?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lesson in Life :)

Assalammualaikum!Sawatdee na ka.
Truthfully punyalah banyak benda nak cite kat korang.Tapi maaflah,I have to get the right mood.
Banyak nak kena buat ni.Asyik melagha je,astagfirullahalzim!
Okeng,sebenarnya Aii ni bila in a bad mood.I will froze myself.I don't wanna move.
Sleep is one of my habit.HAHAHHA.And I don't wanna talk.
And it's kinda funny nowadays how I think have this sickness call migraine? 
Aii ni kalau tak senyum mmg orang kata Aii,sombong tahap minta penampo free free je.
Hahah,Im sho sorry keyh?
So camni,enough with the headaches and enough with the complaining Ain.(Say to myself)
 Aii paling tak suke bila I feel discourage and unmotivate.Rasa mcm YaAllah kau tetapkanlah
hati aku yang asyik nak berbolak-balik daripada godaan syaitan yg durjana.:)
So bebila time2 camtuh I suka distract myself by sleeping.Oh so not healthy.
So I figure this out.Korang leh try.Tapi paling baik,bertafakur dan berzikir kpd Allah.
People can help us by pushing your body but you are the one that determine how many miles you wanna walk.No others.Not even your mom and dad.They love you for sure.
But if you yourself give up,you will never move.
Though tomorrow does not seems so bright,but at the end of the tunnel.You will see
the light.Talking from my roller-coaster experience.Ceh.
And even if I don't know you,each one of you are pretty and have a reason
to live in this earth tahu!Dan bila Aii give up,korang lak ah tolong push2
Aii bg kata2 semangat.MMuahahha.I love words of encouragement.It means a lot
even if it is from stranger.
Hey pretty don't be sad?I love youh!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

I hate the way.....


"Benz tunggu Addin bertahun2 tak pernah pun bg tahu dia syg gilo kat Addin."
"Umar pulak bersabar dgn Iddya bertahun2 juga,tapi Iddya buat tak paham je"
"Opie patah hati pun masih tunggu Qaish."

 "If the dews froze under the Sahara,the blaze will not then wither the will.."
"If the peace is no longer fluttering doves,then the hate will then turn to
lovvvve"-Benz Alif Sulaiman.
(Oh Benz tak pun finish dia punya sentence,masa part lovv tu dh
kena tolak dgn Addin.Wakakak!tapi of course I can guess)

But then what is important is not about them.Of course,I could
take the lesson.Yeah I can do this.It's way too risky.Way too risky!
I tell you one more time this is way way way too risky!
Im glad that I've been through a lot.So I kinda sorta basically quite immune.
Though at times I could cry,lol.So much of a crying baby.Im 21,but crying is my hobby!
Not even lying.Im very sensitive with people words.
It could haunted me for years.
I thought all this time,being talkative is you have no secrets,
well the more I talk the more I hide.Eh?
I could tell you directly.I used to be the dare type of person.Naah.
But Im sorta scared and choose to be a timid.But happy.
Even though,it may not work as I wish but at least I can cope with it.

Maybe the tots of me being too mushy mushy (jiwang tahap minta penampo!)
makes me just avoiding.Laughing when I should just explain.
Run when I should just solve it.
But I believe Allah know what Im doing.

"I hate the way you tease me.A lot!
I hate the way you sorta can read my mind.
I hate the way I think too much.
I hate the way how worried sick I am because of the haze
will affected you.Yeah not me.
I hate the way I can't really say what I wanna say.
I hate the way,Im not as smooth as you.
I hate the way how awkward and retarded I am when Im with you.
I hate the way, you might be reading this.
and I hate the way you thought that this is for someone else.
I hate the way you never have the thought I've been waiting forever.
Okay that sounds,pretty much over the board.
At least I've been waiting.HAHA.
I hate the way I always lose and you always win,
even when I can win.
I hate the way I avoid when you caught me off guard.
I hate the way I think,if you even will notice everything about me,like I 
remember every tiny details of you.SCARY.
I hate the way,I might not means anything to you.
And I hate the way,I never hate you at all.
Not even a bit not even at all.
maybe at times I could say things like,
Im so hating you!
But yeah it might means 
when I put you in my heart,I decided to accepts all your flaws."

Maybe I can't be as cool as Bro Benz Alif Sulaiman.
Maybe I can't be as calm as Bro Umar Aisy.
And maybe I can't be as funny as sis Sophie Evans.
But I can be me.
Just ordinary plain me.

and I have no regrets.
This road might be tough.might be sadder.might be even darker.
But I know Allah know.

Chan Rak Ter,Mak Mak Naa?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Move on?


Actually all these years,I dah always heard the phrase 
Honestly kekdang mcm apa pulak nak move onnya lagi?
Move on ni kan ada banyak conceptnya pon.Kekadang aku pelik,aku ni pelupa.
Tapi kenangan lampau,muda-mudi tu yang aku takleh lupakan.Cam eh what?
HAHA.Tapi Alhamdullilah.Aku InsyaAllah dah okay.Mana boleh tipu.Kekadang tu ada le jugak,
break down tetibe.KAHKAHKAH.
Move on tu kekadang bukannya lupakan terus.Bakar terus kenangan tu.
Move on tu ada banyak konsepnya.Dulu aku ter stuck dengan konsep,kalau
kau nak move on.Kau mestilah lupakan.LUPAKAN.DAN LUPAKAN.Haish.Terpesong!
Move on adalah being matured.Maksudnya cuba jadi strong enuff to cope with
benda2 yang kita tak berapa suka or bla bla.
So aku kalau nak lupakan tu susah sikit.Tapi Alhamdullilah,untuk cam
being matured tu sikit tu bolehlah.Lagipun Im much happy now tahu.Cewah.
Jujur aku cakap,aku tak de boypreng2 ni.
Dah lama pon tak reti nak guna istilah tu.Dan kalau nak jelaskan nanti
korang cakap BOYPRENG LAH JUGAK TU.Tapi ceq tak suka.
Bukan boypreng naa.
Sebenarnya ada banyak je benda yang nak buat.Korang sorry tahu.kalau ada entri yang mcm
tergantung je.Sebab I nak bersihkan belog I ni.So kalau I ada janji
nak sambung tapi tak sambung tu,time ni lah nak minta maaf.HIHI.
Sekarang ni tengah proses mengReflect diri sendiri ni.Banyak sungguh ni kekurangan!
Honestly sekarang ni aku motivate diri aku nak belajar tinggi2 InsyaAllah.
Aku ni mula dari bawah,dari diploma.Baru habis,Alhamdullilah.Jujur cakap,dulu sedih lah sikit.
Sebab kalau boleh aku nak sambung degree terus.Tapi dulu semangat nak berlajar pon bukan ada.HAHA.
Aku pernah nak berhenti belajar dip tahu,Sebab aku ni mmg unpredictable.
I tanya my abah.Abah nak berhenti Diploma boleh?Haha.Tapi ayah
aku cakap lembut2 dengan aku,finishkan.HAHA.
Aku ni kalau org cakap baik2 InsyaALLAH berkesan.
Tapi kalau org ckp nak marah2 mmg sentap emo 1 juta
Aku ni rapat dengan ayah aku.Mak pon rapat jugak.Dulu ingat aku rapat dgn
Abah aku sorang je,tapi bila dah gedabak beso ni,I realize.Dengan Mak 
pon aku rapat tahu.HAHA.Walopon hakikatnya,aku ni hanyalah anak ketiga.Dan bukan anak 
bongsu.KAHKAHKAH.Tapi  aku ni perangainya lebih cam anak bongsu.
Alhamdullilah aku tamatkan belajar Dip dgn Anugerah ANC.Berkat usaha aku mendaki
gunung everest punya tangga kat lendu tu.
Aku ni merangkak lagi,walaupun kekadang aku rasa cam terpencil sikit.Tapi rasa cam tak bersyukur.
Aku dah ada peluang nak berlajar ni pun dah bagus.
Aku amek course OFFICE MANAGEMENT tapi kami dah convert bawah BUSINESS.
Dulu aku mmg berhasrat nak masuk business,tapi sebab keluarga aku yang comel ni
bukan org business so aku takut sangat nak amek.
Tapi Alhamdullilah,aku dahlah amek Office Managemnet pastu aku amek pulak
bawah business.EwAH!Maknanya syarikat nanti kalau aku bukak sendiri,
akulah bos,akulah setiausaha aku lah jugak pembuat teh.HAHA.
Dulu aku macam segan,course yang aku amek ni bukan course sains atau bak kata
sesetengah orang "TAK SUSAH".Tapi korang nak tahu,mana ada benda senang?
Aku belajar ekonomi aku belajar akaun,korang tahu walaupun mungkin apa yang aku berlajar tu
bukan major,mungkin hanya permulaan tapi aku bersyukur sebab aku berlajar jugak.
Payah-payah pon aku kayuh jugak.Kalau aku jadi budak akauntan InsyaAllah mungkin aku boleh
jalan lagi.Tapi kalau subjek EKONOMI,mungkin Allah dan Encik Zakimi saja boleh bantu aku.KAHKAHAKHA...
Dulu aku rasa cam apalah aku buat masa SPM tu kan?Sobs.Jujur aku ckp,
SPM tu bukannya aku study pon.Aku study sikit je lah.
Nasiblah ada beberapa ketul A.(Alhamdullilah)
jujur aku cakap,sape tak kecewa result camtuh?
Masa tulah.Sbb aku pikir,asal UPSR dan PMR aku okay,ni
SPM cam apa ntah.
Tapi skrg aku rasa,well hello.Aku bersyukur really.Sebab, ni rezeki aku ni weyh.
Sebelom aku pergi Uitm,I was a polytechnic's student!
Aku amek course IT,but seriously kalau kau tanya bukannya aku tahu pon.
Satu sem je kat situ.Peh aku dh rasa cam engineer dah masa tu.
Mana taknya,nak kena buat litar,lukis plan,bukak komputer.BLA BLA BLA.
Perkara paling lawak adalah bila aku tido depan ustaz aku.HAHAH.
Sebab kita org ada kelas daripada pagi sampai malam.Memang masa tu banyak sangat kelas.
Makanya,aku pon apa lagi.Ngantuk yang tak boleh tahan.Telah tidur.
Masa tu aku nk cover pon takleh,sebab aku betul2 ngantuk.sobs.
Kekawan aku dh kejutkan pon aku rasa cam roh aku dh mula terawang2.
So makanya bila aku tidur selamba badak depan ustaz tu,ustaz lek je.HAHA.
Dia tahu kita org penat,dahlah aku duk blh tahan depan dia jugaklah.Penat aku cam terlebih pulak.
Okeng dah move on.
Nanti story lagi!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Things to Tell and Change :D

There are so many things need to be done.Stay tune lovers.
I will make sure to update this blog as often as I can,okeng?

I know it's been a while,way too lon.Every time I wanna tell you a story,I simply just
let it hanging.Oh no!Sho sorry people!
So Alhamdullilah,life is so greaattt!I just wanna say that there are some entries
I might save as a draft.I meant,biar I yg tatap sorang2 pulak.
Ada yang I dah buat pon.So kalau korang dh cari2 mana entry tu tapi tak jumpa,
haha I dah delete atau dh save as a draft.kekek.
So scroll and scroll!
I really wanna write so many things.
and yes,the next and next and next entry will be a bit longer.Now I should arrange
my life properly.
And one more thing,no matter wha life brings you,don't give up.
Because Allah will never let you going through things that you cannot handle.
Much love from me.See ya in the next entry people!
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