Thursday, June 27, 2013

Keep Trying.


 “A long time ago, before I even met you,
someone replaced my chest with a broken record.
For years, it’s been stammering through
the same old tune.
I want you to know I’m trying.”-Clementine von Radics

Of course at times I feel like,GOSSHHH WHYY?Why this happen.
Feels like my amazing world suddenly collapse.Feels like everything is ANNOYING.
Feels like,whatever,Im just gonna run away.
Gosh how I love travel.mmuahahhaha.
Please remind me of Allah at those times okay?
Those time when I feel depress.Stress.Hateful.Annoy.
Please remind me of Allah.
If you really love me,please remind me of Allah.

I can fall for anyone.But the number one in my heart is always Allah.
Because without Him,I could not even move my heart to love you.

If Allah agree,I would like to wait for you for forever.Till jannah ? :)

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