Assalammualaikum!Sawatdee na ka.
Truthfully punyalah banyak benda nak cite kat korang.Tapi maaflah,I have to get the right mood.
Banyak nak kena buat ni.Asyik melagha je,astagfirullahalzim!
Okeng,sebenarnya Aii ni bila in a bad mood.I will froze myself.I don't wanna move.
Sleep is one of my habit.HAHAHHA.And I don't wanna talk.
And it's kinda funny nowadays how I think have this sickness call migraine?
Aii ni kalau tak senyum mmg orang kata Aii,sombong tahap minta penampo free free je.
Hahah,Im sho sorry keyh?
So camni,enough with the headaches and enough with the complaining Ain.(Say to myself)
Aii paling tak suke bila I feel discourage and unmotivate.Rasa mcm YaAllah kau tetapkanlah
hati aku yang asyik nak berbolak-balik daripada godaan syaitan yg durjana.:)
So bebila time2 camtuh I suka distract myself by sleeping.Oh so not healthy.
So I figure this out.Korang leh try.Tapi paling baik,bertafakur dan berzikir kpd Allah.
People can help us by pushing your body but you are the one that determine how many miles you wanna walk.No others.Not even your mom and dad.They love you for sure.
But if you yourself give up,you will never move.
Though tomorrow does not seems so bright,but at the end of the tunnel.You will see
the light.Talking from my roller-coaster experience.Ceh.
And even if I don't know you,each one of you are pretty and have a reason
to live in this earth tahu!Dan bila Aii give up,korang lak ah tolong push2
Aii bg kata2 semangat.MMuahahha.I love words of encouragement.It means a lot
even if it is from stranger.
Hey pretty don't be sad?I love youh!
0 Komen di SINI, satu pon jadilah!hikhik:
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