"Benz tunggu Addin bertahun2 tak pernah pun bg tahu dia syg gilo kat Addin."
"Umar pulak bersabar dgn Iddya bertahun2 juga,tapi Iddya buat tak paham je"
"Opie patah hati pun masih tunggu Qaish."
"If the dews froze under the Sahara,the blaze will not then wither the will.."
"If the peace is no longer fluttering doves,then the hate will then turn to
lovvvve"-Benz Alif Sulaiman.
(Oh Benz tak pun finish dia punya sentence,masa part lovv tu dh
kena tolak dgn Addin.Wakakak!tapi of course I can guess)
But then what is important is not about them.Of course,I could
take the lesson.Yeah I can do this.It's way too risky.Way too risky!
I tell you one more time this is way way way too risky!
Im glad that I've been through a lot.So I kinda sorta basically quite immune.
Though at times I could cry,lol.So much of a crying baby.Im 21,but crying is my hobby!
Not even lying.Im very sensitive with people words.
It could haunted me for years.
I thought all this time,being talkative is you have no secrets,
well the more I talk the more I hide.Eh?
I could tell you directly.I used to be the dare type of person.Naah.
But Im sorta scared and choose to be a timid.But happy.
Even though,it may not work as I wish but at least I can cope with it.
Maybe the tots of me being too mushy mushy (jiwang tahap minta penampo!)
makes me just avoiding.Laughing when I should just explain.
Run when I should just solve it.
But I believe Allah know what Im doing.
"I hate the way you tease me.A lot!
I hate the way you sorta can read my mind.
I hate the way I think too much.
I hate the way how worried sick I am because of the haze
will affected you.Yeah not me.
I hate the way I can't really say what I wanna say.
I hate the way,Im not as smooth as you.
I hate the way how awkward and retarded I am when Im with you.
I hate the way, you might be reading this.
and I hate the way you thought that this is for someone else.
I hate the way you never have the thought I've been waiting forever.
Okay that sounds,pretty much over the board.
At least I've been waiting.HAHA.
I hate the way I always lose and you always win,
even when I can win.
I hate the way I avoid when you caught me off guard.
I hate the way I think,if you even will notice everything about me,like I
remember every tiny details of you.SCARY.
I hate the way,I might not means anything to you.
And I hate the way,I never hate you at all.
Not even a bit not even at all.
maybe at times I could say things like,
Im so hating you!
But yeah it might means
when I put you in my heart,I decided to accepts all your flaws."
Maybe I can't be as cool as Bro Benz Alif Sulaiman.
Maybe I can't be as calm as Bro Umar Aisy.
And maybe I can't be as funny as sis Sophie Evans.
But I can be me.
Just ordinary plain me.
and I have no regrets.
This road might be tough.might be sadder.might be even darker.
But I know Allah know.
Chan Rak Ter,Mak Mak Naa?
0 Komen di SINI, satu pon jadilah!hikhik:
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