Now its like 2 something in the morning.And Im not sleeping yet,OBVIOUSLY!Yeah,
I have this habit which is when I sleep,I sleep too much,when I don't wanna sleep,
its like not so much,so this phase is a phase of DON'T SLEEP MOMENT!
I was planning to packing my things and do some account you know!
But obviously,here I am.hikhik.
I want to share a story with you.Do you know that Im such a unpredictable HUMAN?
I have experienced ups and downs,so much pretty much that it makes me the girl I am
now.Hewhewhew.Some love me,perhaps a lot hates me.Sorry,InsyaAllah,I'll be better.
So I still have this temper problems,that InsyaAllah with u guys prayer,and my effort,
I'll get better.Nothing is impossible when you trust in Allah,right?
and some more.I have this dark side of me,which I mean maybe just maybe
everybody have which is a NO NO NO.Let's change together!
I am this girl who have this habit which is,I hate being Humorous!
I take things too seriously,but I would really wanna be this bubbly happy go lucky girl you know!
sometimes I do make joke,but some people that really REALLY really know me
are afraid to laugh,coz if its ajoke or just sarcasm,as I speak a sarcastic language pretty well
I love quotes,do you guys like quotes?Quotes,Yassin (surah in Al-Quran,muslims know it:)),
crying,eating,reading manga(T_T),stalking my baby,or watching him.Hikhik.
Those things I do when Im upsets,angry,moody.hikhik.Running man too!
sometimes we got married,though its a bit too much.Haish.
Sometimes I always wonder,if Im giving too much,would anyone giving that much to me too?
wahahhahah,this is not sincere lah right?hikhik.
Im just wondering.Its a bit too much sometimes thinking you could so much for ur
people,eh its not only for other half okay,but to those people which I don't really want
to mention.But haish.The feelings of heartache,why lah?why lah?sobs sobs.sorr for the
"LAH" its a slange.hikhik.
Are you feel so unmotivated?
So lets have a cup of coffee or tea or perhaps,go and take wuduk for Muslims :)
When I feel unmotivated,I would really wanna sleep and just doing nothing.
But doing nothing,is just impossible cause when u are sleeping,
u r doing something too.T_T.
What I learn from life and people and experience of course,is
people will said that and this.Listen to them,if you want to pick one,u pick one,
if not just ignore all the thoughts cause deep down inside u actually
already make ur own,right?
Be calm,when things happen.Hikhok.I have to do this next time.
Im such a paranoid u know!Ahah.
Just be happy,laugh out loud,pray,pray and pray!
When I feel really really extremely down,I always remember two things.
One,Allah never will put me in the situation which I cannot go through.He know Im
strong enough to take that.Second.There is someone close by heart,but not a mushhy musshy one
okay,he told me.Pray,and recites Al-Quran.I always remember that.
People can hate you or love you,they always do.Their feelings change often you know.
But what can you do is believe,so what?Allah is there for you.
Though its so hurt that no words could describe it.
You can make a change or disturb the stress by thinking that,well hello,
there are people in Palestin,Syria,Afganistan,Rohingya,and bla bla.So many you know!
That living in insecurity.Even in my country,I mean nowadays things are getting
scarier.There are a lot of psychopath and bla bla.Wuhuuu.
But Allah is there.For ladies,cover up!and when you have a chance,
learn some kick boxing or something.Hihi,trust me its worth it baby!
For guys,protect your women,think about your mother and sister if you have one.
Would you like if something bad happen to them?
Do not be so dependent,you have to depends on yourself.
No one will be forever with you except Allah,if you want to be one,
depends on Allah and you wont regret.
Im not that good,in fact Im just extra ordinary.keke.
And now it almost 4.00 in the morning.
I better pack up my things.Love ya.Thanks for reading.
Do drop your comment,love :)
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sometimes I feel this way. |
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but good words made my day :D |
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